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蛋 dan

Home Pinyin dan

笨蛋 bèndàn bungler; cretin; dimwit; dullard; stupid

彩蛋 cǎidàn egg

茶叶蛋 cháyè dàn tea egg

炒蛋 chǎo dàn scrambled eggs

蛋白 dànbái albumen; protein

蛋白质 dànbáizhí protein

蛋蛋 dàn dàn egg

蛋糕 dàngāo cake; cakes

蛋黄 dànhuáng yolk; yolks

蛋壳 dàn ké eggshell

蛋清 dànqīng egg white

捣蛋 dǎodàn trick or treat

滚蛋 gǔndàn get out of the way

荷包蛋 hébāodàn poached egg

坏蛋 huàidàn bad guy; knave; rascal

浑蛋 húndàn blackguard

混蛋 húndàn asshole

鸡蛋 jīdàn egg; eggs

鸡蛋清 jīdàn qīng egg white

煎蛋 jiāndàn omelette; omelettes

脸蛋 liǎndàn face

皮蛋 pídàn preserved egg

完蛋 wándàn finished

王八蛋 wángbā dàn son of a bitch

鸭蛋 yādàn duck egg

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